Dr. Sanjay S. Patil (M.D. Ph.D. (Ayu.))
Principal & Superintendent
I welcome the students & parents to the field of Ayurveda. Ayurveda is a traditional system of medicine of our country India. Ayurveda is the science of life & useful for long life. The aim of Ayurveda is to maintain the health of healthy persons and to cure the diseases of sick people.
It is a comprehensive approach to health and homeostasis that addresses the body, mind, emotions, spirit, and environment. The teaching hospital is well-equipped and well-developed. Teaching pharmacy of Ayurveda under the name Girveda is available.
Noble University located on a big campus is available to students. The highly qualified staff-built students to research-oriented are committed to making the future well-trained, skillful, independent and best doctors of Ayurveda to serve society Ayurveda.
Dr. Sanjay S. Patil Dr. Sanjay S. Patil (M.D. Ph.D. (Ayu.))