Noble University

Noble University

Best Practices

Campus to Corporate Sessions

“College to Corporate” sessions are organized for final and pre-final year students to prepare them for industries and aware them of the corporate culture. This includes: - Time Management, Planning, and Prioritization - Attitude, Verbal and Nonverbal Skills - Effective Communication Skills - Group Discussion and Team Building Skills - Etiquette and Interview Skills.

English Proficiency Development

English is the dominant professional and business language and a wide range of technical literature is available in it. So it is necessary to provide support to the large number of engineering students who are coming with vernacular language. Every year Students are prepared for reading, listing speaking, and writing skills.

E-waste management

E-waste generated is first reused on the campus itself. Then discarded waste is disposed of by the board of officers to authorized vendors

Innovation In Teaching-Learning Process

The teachers facilitate student learning which helps students gain skills, knowledge, and thinking ability.

Student-Centric Learning

Student-Centric Learning

As we found a few difficulties in the traditional method of chalk and talk teaching, we have set up the classroom as student-centric namely the Innovative Teaching Learning (ITL) process. In this ITL method, the classroom is conducted in such a way that it satisfied the need of all the students.

Activity-Based Learning

Activity-Based Learning

As this new process is connected with activity-based learning such as role play, students get more space to interact with teachers and classmates. Further, PPTs, Videos, OHPs, and short seminars are being used in the ITL method which results in an easy understanding of the concepts by students.

Project-Based Learning:

Project-Based Learning:

The ITL method provides detailed learning to students and also reduces their to initiate a project on the basis of what they have learned in the classroom.

Technical Quiz

Technical Quiz

To get in-depth knowledge in subjects, a technical quiz is conducted which helps students to have specified learning.



The teachers meet students periodically and counsel them to remove the difficulties in their academic performance. Students’ personal issues are also discussed and proper guidance and support are provided to ensure the comfort of students on campus.


The primary focus of the ITL method is to give students wide-ranging knowledge, exceptional creativity, and more comfort and to bring out their hidden potential into the limelight.

Centre of Excellence

Centre of Excellence is established to develop the skills of the students to make them industry ready. Noble University has collaborated with various multinational organizations like Cisco, Oracle, Infosys, Microsoft, etc. to provide training by industry experts to the students within & outside the campus. To meet the requirements of industries, value-added courses are organized for students through this forum.

Language Lab

Language Lab

A Digital language lab is set up to enhance the communicative skills of students helping them to be better equipped for the job market.

 Industrial visits

Industrial visits

An industrial visit is organized every year to acquaint the students with the latest practical knowledge and industry trends.

Incubation Centre

Incubation Centre

With the motive of encouraging the establishment of start-up companies in the immediate future, we train the students in various aspects to survive on their own in the future.

Engineering Clinic

Engineering Clinic

Training the students in various day-to-day appliances like Mobile Testing and Repair, Servicing of fan and tube lights, Repair of laptops, etc. where engineering concepts are involved.

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