Noble University

Noble University


Bachelor of Computer Engineering

About Computer Engineering Programme

The Bachelor of Computer Engineering Programme at Noble University is meticulously crafted to prepare students for the ever-evolving landscape of computer science and engineering. As a leading institution for Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science, we offer a comprehensive curriculum that focuses on programming, algorithms, database management, artificial intelligence, and cybersecurity.

Students gain a solid foundation in both hardware and software systems, along with the ability to design and develop innovative solutions to complex challenges. With an emphasis on practical learning and research opportunities, this Programme equips graduates to excel in the dynamic IT industry.

Why Choose the Bachelor of Computer Engineering Programme at Noble University?

This Programme offers diverse opportunities to build a rewarding career in computer science:

Programme Outcome

Software Engineer

Create advanced applications and systems.

System Architect

Design the framework for complex IT systems.

AI/ML Engineer

Work on artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies.

Cybersecurity Specialist

Protect organizations against digital threats.

Cloud Engineer

Manage and optimize cloud-based systems.

IoT Developer

Design applications for connected devices.

Programme Details


4 years


10+2 with Min. 45% + JEE Main




4 Years


10+2 with Min. 45% + JEE Main

Mode of Admission

As Per ACPC Procedure





Programme Curriculum

Semester 1

Subject CodeSubject name
BEL101Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering

Semester 2

Subject CodeSubject name
BME201Fundamental of Mechanical Engineering
BCV201Environment Science
BCE201Computer Programming
BEL201Basic Electronics
BHS201Sport & Yoga

Semester 3

Subject Code Subject name
BHS302 Probability and Statistics
BHS303 Effective Technical Communication
BCE301 Data Structure
BCE302 Database Management System
BCE303 Object Oriented Programming With JAVA
BCE304 Web Technology

Semester 4

Subject Code Subject name
BHS401 Discrete Mathematics
BCE401 Operating System
BCE402 Computer Network
BCE403 Design and Analysis of Algorithm
BCE404 Programming with Python
BCE405 Web Designing

Semester 5

Subject Code Subject Name
BCE501 Software Engineering
BCE502 Programming with .NET
BCE503 Computer Organization & Architecture
BCE504 Mobile Application Development
BCE507 Professional Ethics
BHS501 Integrated Personality Development
Elective Subject
BCE504 Mobile Application Development (Professional Elective - I)
BCE505 Block Chain (Professional Elective - I)
BCE506 Data Analysis and Visualization (Professional Elective - I)

Semester 6

Subject Code Subject Name
BCE601 Artificial Intelligence
BCE602 Advanced Java Programming
BCE603 Cryptography and Network security
BCE604 Web Programming
BCE607 Cyber Security
BHS601 Human Resource Dev. and Organization Behaviour
Elective Subject
BCE604 Web Programming (Professional Elective - II)
BCE605 Data Mining (Professional Elective - II)
BCE606 Internet of Things (Open Elective-II)
BCE607 Cyber Security (Open Elective-II)

Phenomenal Placements

What Students Says

Highly Equipped Laboratories

AI / ML lab

I7 & I3 Processor, 8 GB RAM, Azure Machine, Learning Studio, Tensorflow, H2O AI

Project Management Lab

10 MBPS of BSNL VPN Connection, Wi-Fi Enabled Lab, Windows 7 Operating Systems, MS Office 2007, Adobe Reader, Quick Heal Internet Security 2013

Software Engineering Lab

Rational Rose, Dreamweaver, Visual Studio 2010, .NET Framework 3.5, PHP, XAMPP

Data Structure / C++/C Programming Lab

TURBO C, TURBO C++, Dreamviewer, VsCode, Notepad++.

Web Development Technology | CN Lab

Dreamviewer, Wamp Server, Cisco Packet Tracer, VsCode, Notepad++, MS Office, MS Project

Database | PPD | MP | .NET Lab

Oracle 9.0, SQL Server 2008, Oracle 10G, Simulator, Visual Studio 2010

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