Noble University


Diploma in Computer Engineering


“Our vision is to empower the students of Computer Engineering department to be technologically adept, innovative, self-motivated, and responsible global citizens who value human values and obtain high-quality technical education that leads to high- paying careers”


To prepare students for professional careers and higher education by offering conductive teaching-learning, entrepreneurial, ethical principles and leadership skills. Encourage students with necessary technical knowledge to get into business for themselves. Both theoretical and practical information should be imparted and instilled in students.

Program Educational Objectives

  • PEO-1: Pursue career in IT industry or higher studies by adopting emerging and trending technology as lifelong learner.
  • PEO-2: Provide well defined solutions in related domain with professional ethics.
  • PEO-3: Be an entrepreneur having leadership qualities with positive attitude and skills in computer and allied domain.

Programme Specific Outcomes

  • PSO1 – To design software and algorithms, combine practical knowledge with industry-based practices.
  • PSO2 – Ability to understand various hardware components, architecture along with operating system and peripherals.
  • PSO3 - Ability to develop, explore & integrate database with network security.

Program Outcome

Ability to design and conduct experiments; as well as to analyze and interpret data.

Ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs.

Ability to function in multidisciplinary teams.

Ability to identify, formulate and provide an optimal solution.

Understanding of professional and ethical responsibility of institutions and organizations.

Ability to communicate effectively and provide better customer satisfaction.

Understanding the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context.

Recognizing the need and having the ability to engage in a lifelong learning process and better utilization of knowledge.

Ability to use techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.

Ability to combine a system and set up different laboratories and offices.

Program Details


3 Years


10th with Min. 35% of Marks

Mode of Admission

As Per ACPC Procedure





Program Curriculum

Semester 1

Sr.No.Course CodeCourse TitleTeaching hours per week
4Theory lecture LTutorial TPractical PTotal
1DHS101Basic Mathematic4206
2DCV101Environment and Sustainability4004
3DCE101Computer Programming-I5049
4DEL101Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics5027
5DCE102Computer Application0044
6DHS102Sport And Yoga0022

Semester 2

Sr.No.Course CodeCourse TitleTeaching hours per week
4Theory lecture LTutorial TPractical PTotal
1DHS101Basic Mathematic4206
2DCV101Environment and Sustainability4004
3DCE101Computer Programming-I5049
4DEL101Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics5027
5DCE102Computer Application0044
6DHS102Sport And Yoga0022

Phenomenal Placements

What Students Says

Highly Equipped Laboratories

AI / ML lab

I7 & I3 Processor, 8 GB RAM, Azure Machine, Learning Studio, Tensorflow, H2O AI

Project Management Lab

10 MBPS of BSNL VPN Connection, Wi-Fi Enabled Lab, Windows 7 Operating Systems, MS Office 2007, Adobe Reader, Quick Heal Internet Security 2013

Software Engineering Lab

Rational Rose, Dreamweaver, Visual Studio 2010, .NET Framework 3.5, PHP, XAMPP

Data Structure / C++/C Programming Lab

TURBO C, TURBO C++, Dreamviewer, VsCode, Notepad++.

Web Development Technology | CN Lab

Dreamviewer, Wamp Server, Cisco Packet Tracer, VsCode, Notepad++, MS Office, MS Project

Database | PPD | MP | .NET Lab

Oracle 9.0, SQL Server 2008, Oracle 10G, Simulator, Visual Studio 2010