Noble University


Integrated Master of Computer Application (I-MCA)

Program Outcome

An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern computer application tools for software development.

An ability to design and implement by evaluating a computer-based system, process, component, or program to meet desired needs.

An ability to apply algorithmic principles and computer science theory in the modeling and design of computer-based systems in a way that demonstrates the comprehension of the trade-offs involved in design choices.

An ability to solve knowledge and programming skills to design and conduct experiments and interpret experimental data to provide valid results.

An ability to apply soft skills in their professional career.

An ability to be a successful entrepreneur and a leader.

An Ability to solve social and economic problems by identifying, analyzing and formulating computing requirements.

Program Details


5 Years


12th pass in any discipline

Mode of Admission






Program Curriculum

Semester 1

Subject CodeSubject name
IMCA1101Programming in C (Major 1)5 hours/Week4 hours/Week07
IMCA1102Networking and Web Development (Major 2)5 hours/Week4 hours/Week07
IMCA1103Introduction to Internet (Minor 1)4 hours/Week4 hours/Week06
IMCA1104Computer Fundamentals (MDC)4 hours/Week004
IMCA1105Office Automation (SEC)
IMCA1106Communication Skills (AEC)1812024
IMCA1107Yoga (VAC)1812024

Semester 2

Subject CodeSubject name
IMCA1201Data Structure using “c”3 hours/Week4 hours/Week05
IMCA1202OOP using JAVA3 hours/Week4 hours/Week05
IMCA1203Relational Database Management System3 hours/Week4 hours/Week05
IMCA1204Foundation of Mathematics & Statistics3 hours/Week003
IMCA1205Practical Based on (BCA1201, BCA1202 & BCA1203)3 hours/Week003
IMCA1206Indian Knowledge System0201
IMCA1207Minor Project - 11514022

Semester 3

Subject CodeSubject name
IMCA1301Web Application development using J2EE (Major 1)3 hours/Week4 hours/Week05
IMCA1302Mobile Application Development using Android (Major 2)3 hours/Week4 hours/Week05
IMCA1303Operating system using Linux (Minor 1)3 hours/Week4 hours/Week05
IMCA1304Advanced spreadsheet tools (SEC)3 hours/Week003
IMCA1305IPDC (AEC)3 hours/Week003
IMCA1306Environmental Science (VAC) 0201

Semester 4

Subject CodeSubject name
IMCA1401Windows Application development using C# . net3 hours/Week4 hours/Week05
IMCA1402Big Data Technologies (Hadoop)3 hours/Week4 hours/Week05
IMCA1403Fundamentals of Networking3 hours/Week4 hours/Week05
IMCA1404System Analasys and Desing3 hours/Week003
IMCA1405Object-Oriented PHP3 hours/Week003
IMCA1406Front End Web UI Frameworks and Tools : Bootstrap , Angular0201
IMCA1407Data science fundamentals for with python0201
IMCA1408Minor Project - 20201

Semester 5

Subject CodeSubject name
IMCA501ASP.NET3 hours/Week4 hours/Week05
IMCA502Search Engine Optimization3 hours/Week4 hours/Week05
IMCA503Software Engineering and Testing3 hours/Week4 hours/Week05
IMCA504Wordpress3 hours/Week003
IMCA505server side development using Node.js And Express.js3 hours/Week003
IMCA506AI-driven Data Science0201

Semester 6

Subject CodeSubject name
IMCA601Cyber Security3 hours/Week4 hours/Week05
IMCA602UI/UX3 hours/Week4 hours/Week05
IMCA603System software3 hours/Week4 hours/Week05
IMCA604Cloud Computing3 hours/Week003
IMCA605Project3 hours/Week003

Phenomenal Placements

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Admission Form