Noble University

Noble University


General Nursing and Midwifery (G.N.M)

Program Outcome

Assess health status, identify nursing needs, plan, implement and evaluate nursing care for patients that contribute to health of individuals, families and Communities.

Demonstrate competency in techniques of nursing based on concepts and principles from selected areas of nursing, physical, biological and behavioural sciences.

Participate as members of health care team in the promotive, preventive, curative and restorative health care delivery system of the country.

Demonstrate skills in communication and interpersonal relationship.

Demonstrate leadership qualities and decision making abilities in various situations.

Demonstrate skills in teaching to individuals and groups in community health settings.

Demonstrate managerial skills in community health settings.

Practice ethical values in their personal and professional life.

Program Details


3 years


12th Sci. with mini. 50%

Mode of Admission

As Per ACPC Procedure


INR 57,000/-




Program Curriculum

Semester 1

Semester 2

Semester 3

Course codeName of the courseNo. of hoursTutorialCredit points
BP301TPharmaceutical Organic Chemistry II - Theory314
BP302TPhysical Pharmaceutics I - Theory314
BP303TPharmaceutical Microbiology - Theory314
BP304TPharmaceutical Engineering - Theory314
BP305PPharmaceutical Organic Chemistry II - Practical4-2
BP306PPhysical Pharmaceutics I - Practical4-2
BP307PPharmaceutical Microbiology - Practical4-2
BP 308PPharmaceutical Engineering - Practical4-2

Semester 4

Course codeName of the courseNo. of hoursTutorialCredit points
BP401TPharmaceutical Organic Chemistry III- Theory314
BP402TMedicinal Chemistry I - Theory314
BP403TPhysical Pharmaceutics II - Theory314
BP404TPharmacology I - Theory314
BP405TPharmacognosy and Phytochemistry I- Theory314
BP406PMedicinal Chemistry I - Practical4-2
BP407PPhysical Pharmaceutics II - Practical42
BP408PPharmacology I - Practical4-2
BP409PPharmacognosy and Phytochemistry I - Practical4-2

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