Noble University



Department of Botany

The department is enriched with a fully equipped laboratory, sufficient instruments, etc. to run practical classes smoothly. The laboratory is fully equipped with a refrigerator, microtome, dissecting microscope, electron & compound microscope, pH meter, preserved specimens of different species of algae, fungi, Bryophyte, Pteridophyte, Gymnosperms, and permanent slides are also present, dissecting materials, etc. Besides, there are other charts to explain and understand plant anatomy and morphology.

The subject provides the students with a suitable environment to develop a detailed understanding of the Plant kingdom by exploring the physical, morphological, and physiological characteristics of plants.

Department of Chemistry

Chemical characterization entails both sample preparation and analysis. Traditional wet chemistry techniques are used to modify paving and concrete materials and to prepare and condition samples for further testing and analysis.

The Chemistry Laboratory complex includes a traditional chemistry laboratory for wet chemistry and sample preparation, and two laboratories dedicated to instrumentation.

All instrumentation and other specialized apparatus are readily available for student use both in scheduled laboratory work and in independent research projects. buildings house the instructional laboratories and classrooms as well as the offices and the research laboratories of the chemistry faculty.

Equipment essential for modern experimental and theoretical chemistry, including a variety of spectrophotometers, mass spectrometers, and gas and high-performance liquid chromatography equipment.Department of chemistry

Department of Mathematics

The maths lab provides an opportunity for the students to discover mathematics through doing. Many of the activities present a problem or a challenge, with the possibility of generating further challenges and problems. The activities help students to visualize, manipulate, and reason. They provide an opportunity to make conjectures and test them and generalize observed patterns. They create a context for students to attempt to prove their conjectures.

It is important to note that while science experiments provide evidence for hypotheses or theories, this is not so in mathematics. Observed patterns can only suggest mathematical hypotheses and conjectures, not provide evidence to support them. (Sometimes, they may help to disprove a conjecture through a counter-example.) Mathematical truths are accepted only on the basis of proofs, and not through experiments.

Department of Microbiology

The Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Science, Noble University, endeavors to be a center of excellence in microbiological studies and research in bringing preeminence in the field and striving to be in the vanguard of the domain for the scientific and social benefit of mankind. The Department of Microbiology is committed to providing quality education to students through a progressive academic and research environment by nurturing scholarly progression, inquisitiveness, intellectual development, and human values.

Designed to develop both your research and practical skills, our M. Sc. in Microbiology will enhance your academic knowledge of the latest advances in microbiology and improve your employability and career prospects. The M. Sc. degree in Microbiology at Noble University will take you through a wide-ranging curriculum describing some of the latest advances in microbiology. It includes courses on microbiology, applied statistics, bioinformatics, regulation of microbial adaptation, and host-pathogen interactions in infection and disease.

To expose students to the field of microbiology and other allied life science subjects and prepare them for promising career options in research, industries, and academics.

Department of Physics

In the department of physics, we have a very high quality fully functional lab with instruments for various branches of physics such as OPTICS, ELECTRONICS, MATERIAL SCIENCE, etc. With the guidance of our qualified staff students not only develop practical knowledge but also become creative to develop their own projects such as LI-FI, HYPERLOOP, BIOPLASTIC, HOME AUTOMATION, BURGLAR ALARM, VARIOUS ARDUINO SYSTEM, etc., and give their contribution to the science community.

Department of Zoology

The department is enriched with a fully equipped laboratory, sufficient instruments, etc. to run practical classes smoothly. The laboratory is fully equipped with a refrigerator, microtome, dissecting, electron & compound microscope, pH meter, fish aquarium, preserved specimens of vertebrates & invertebrates permanent slides, dissecting materials, etc. Besides this, there are museum specimens to display & demonstrate the instruments.

The Zoology Laboratory provides the students with a suitable environment to develop a detailed understanding of the animal kingdom by exploring the physical, morphological, and physiological characteristics of animals. The laboratory presents through its instruments an ideal place for undergraduate students to study the histology of various cells, tissues, and organs.

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