Noble University

Noble University

Entrepreneur Development cell (EDC)

About EDC

The Entrepreneurship Development Cell (EDC) was started with the objective of promoting specialized knowledge in the field of entrepreneurship development. In view of the worldwide shortage of jobs (both government and private sectors) leading to unemployment problems and a lack of proper utilization of human resources; the cell strives to identify talented youth for entrepreneurial work. The cell plans to organize various programs regarding entrepreneurship development.

Short-Term Goals

Short-Term Goals

To provide a platform for interaction with entrepreneurs

Impart entrepreneurial education/skills amongst students through various pieces of training and exercise

Arrange vibrant interactions with organizations promoting the cause of entrepreneurship.

Long-Term Goals

Long-Term Goals

Motivate students to develop their own start-ups

Develop business incubators

Create a corpus fund to seed ventures

Activities Under EDC

Entrepreneurship Education

Entrepreneurship Education

Entrepreneurship training courses like Learn-wise

Entrepreneurship training courses like Learn-wise

Entrepreneurship Games and Exercises

Entrepreneurship Games and Exercises



Guest lectures

Guest lectures

Coffee with entrepreneur

Coffee with entrepreneur

Seminars & conferences

Seminars & conferences

Skill Development Program

Skill Development Program

Panel Discussion

Panel Discussion

Intra and Inter-Institutional Competitions

Intra and Inter-Institutional Competitions

Get together with Entrepreneurs

Get together with Entrepreneurs



Our Clubs, Cells & Academy


NSS club

IIT- Bombay Remote center

Oracle Academy

Noble University Open Software Technology Club (OSTC)



Empowering the young population of the State to unlock their creative potential through Start-ups and Innovation to enable them to contribute to sustainable development and inclusive growth towards the realization of Aatmanirbhar Gujarat.

Major Noteworthy Efforts to promote Innovation and Student Startups.
Vivek Bharti Trust

Vivek Bharti Trust(VBT) owns the financial liabilities of Noble University. VBT is also involved in many philanthropic activities. The trust is having strong background of business in this region.

Course & Mindset

The curriculum of the university offers entrepreneurship as an elective credit course to the students to cultivate the startup mindset in the young generation.

Industry Interaction

Industry –Institute interactions are kept in focus by the university, where several expert talks and round table meetings had been arranged to sensitize the students & teachers towards the entrepreneur eco-system.

Session for Success & Failures

A special session of grassroots innovators is with their success and failure stories


Each constituent institute of the university organizes its signature event where students get a platform to showcase their research & innovations to a wide range of audiences. Such activities boost the students to develop their creative and lateral thinking with the help of teachers.

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